2 November 2010


Adverb (Kata Keterangan atau kata tambahan) adalah kata yang menjelaskan bagaimana caranya, di mana tempatnya, kapan waktunya, berapa kali dan sebagainya, suatu pekerjaan dilakukan atau suatu peristiwa terjadi.
Fungsi Adverbs:
1. Adverbs menerangkan kata kerja (Verbs)
They work hard. (hard menerangkan work)
She speaks French fluently.

2. Adverbs menerangkan kata sifat (Adjectives)
Mr. Alex is very rich. (very menerangkan rich)
This coffee is too hot to drink.

3. Adverbs menerangkan Kata Depan (Prepositions)
The cat is sitting almost outside the door. (almost menerangkan outside)
I arrived there long before the time.

4. Adverbs menerangkan kata keterangan lainnya (Adverbs)
I can swim very well. (very menerangkan well)
You worked too hard.

5. Adverbs menerangkan Kata Sambung (Conjunctions)
I can see clearly how she killed her mother. (clearly menerangkan how)
I arrived at home precisely before the rain fell.

6. Adverbs menerangkan keseluruhan kalimat
Yesterday, we saw your boyfriend in the mall.
Unfortunately, the boy was killed in the end of the film

Ada beberapa cara untuk membentuk Adverbs. Perhatikan berikut ini:
1. Dengan menambahkan "ly" pada akhir Adjectives.
beautiful - beautifully
smart - smartly
serious - seriously
slow - slowly
2. Ada juga beberapa Adverbs yang memiliki bentuk yang sama dengan Adjectives-nya.
fast - fast
hard - hard
free - free
3. Ada juga 1 kata sifat yang memiliki bentuk yang berbeda pada Adverbs-nya
good - well

ADVERBS dibagi dalam 3 golongan, yaitu:
Simple Adverbs
Interrogative Adverbs
Relative Adverbs

1. Simple Adverbs
Golongan ini terbagi lagi menjadi:
1). Adverbs of Time (Keterangan Waktu)
Kata keterangan waktu yang sering dipakai adalah: now, then, ago, since, before, already, soon, immediately, instantly, presently, late, lately, early, afterwards, today, yesterday, tomorrow, dsb..
Press the button now.
I have never been.
I tell him daily.

2). Adverbs of Place (Keterangan Tempat)
Adverbs ya ng sering dipakai adalah: here, there, hence, thence, above, below, beside, in, on, inside, outside, far, near, dll.
Daisies grow everywhere.
I did not put it there.

3). Adverbs of Number (Kata Keterangan Bilangan)
Adverbs yang sering dipakai adalah: once, twice, thrice, again, firstly, never, often, sometimes, dll
I go to school five times a week
You have to take the medicine twice a day.

4). Adverbs of Manner, Quality, State (Kata Keterangan Cara, Kualitas, dan Keadaan)
Adverbs yang sering dipakai adalah: well, seriously, probably, thus, so, dll.
I can finish the work quickly
He ran fast

5). Adverbs of Quantity, Extent, Degree (Kata Keterangan Kuantitas, Taraf, Tingkat)
Adverbs yang sering dipakai adalah much, too, enough, very, somewhat, rather, completely, dll.
You are quite right
You are young enough to be an acctress.

2. Interrogative Adverbs
Adverbs jenis ini terbagi lagi menjadi:
1). Adverbs of Time
When did you came?
How long will you stay at the hotel?

2). Adverbs of Place
Where do you live?
Whence did you come?

3). Adverbs of Number
How often do you come to her house?

4). Adverbs of Manner, Quality, State
How did you do the homework?
How are you today?

5). Adverbs of Quantity, Extent, Degree
How far was the news true?

6). Adverbs of Cause and Effect
Why did he leave?
Wherefore did she weep?

3. Relative Adverbs
Adverbs jenis ini berhubungan dengan:
1). Antecedent (Kata yang mendahului) Dinyatakan
This is the hotel where she stays at
let me know the time when you will leave for London

2). Antecedent Dimengerti
This is where she stays at
let me know when you will leave for London.

1. Adverb yang terdiri dari 1 suku kata, maka tambahkan "er" untuk tingkat lebih, dan "est" untuk tingkat paling
Adverbs : fast, hard, late
Tingkat Lebih : faster, harder, later
Tingkat Paling : fastest, hardest, latest

2. Adverbs yang terdiri lebih dari 1 suku kata, maka tambahkan "more" untuk tingkat lebih, dan "most" untuk tingkat "paling"
Adverbs : seriously, successfully, loudly,
Tingkat Lebih : more seriously, more successfully, more loudly
Tingkat Paling : most seriously, most successfully, most loudly

3. Adverbs yang tidak beraturan, perhatikan bentuk perbandingannya berikut ini:
Adverbs : well, much
Tingkat Lebih : better, more
Tingkat Paling : best, most

William belajar Bahasa Inggris lebih serius daripada abangnya.
(William studies English more seriously than his brother does)
(BUKAN: more serious, sebab, kita sudah mendapati kata "study", maka kita harus menggunakan Adverbs sesudahnya, bukan Adjectives)
William studies English harder than his brother does.

Ada 2 cara pemakaian Adverbs, yaitu:
1. Attributive
Adverbs dipakai secara atributif, jika Adverbs menerangkan katanya secara biasa, yaitu jika Adverbs diletakkan sedekat mungkin di depannya atau di belakangnya.
He shouted loudly
He is quite right
He is entirely wrong

2. Predicative
Adverbs dipakai sebagai predicative jika Adverbs dijadikan bagian dari predikat sebuah kalimat, atau jelasnya, jika ia dipakai sebagai komplemen dari kata kerja yang mendahuluinya.
The struggle is over
She will be better soon
The two girls are much alike
My new book is out
She is well today

Penempatan kata keterangan dalam suatu kalimat pads umumnya menggunakan pola sebagai berikut:
1. Dalam keadaan biasa, kata keterangan disusun dalam urutan Adverb of Place or Direction, Adverb of Frequency, Adverb of Time. (A. of P or D, A. of F, A. of T).
I have been to London several time this year.
He walked round the park twice before supper.
She gave lectures at the college three days a week last year.

2. Dalam keadaan biasa, susunan kata keterangan adalah Adverb of Manner, Place, and Time.
Arifah studies seriously at school every day.
Ali ate food greedily at home this morning.
My elder brother works hard at the office yesterday.

3. Adverb of Frequency berada setelah kata kerja bantu (auxiliary verb atau modal)), bila dalam kalimat ada kata kerja bantu-nya.
I have almost finished working.
They didn't even try to help.
She has justfinished breakfast.
The post has already come.

4. Bila terdapat 'verb of movement' atau kata kerja yang menunjukkan gerak/ perpindahan, maka di belakangnya langsung diikuti 'adverb of place' yang seolah-olah berfungsi sebagai objek tujuan. Kata kerja tersebut misalnya: go, move, visit, come, run, walk, jump, travel dan lain sebagainya.
We will go to Bali by plane.
She drives her car to the village slowly.
The finally arrived home after spending the whole night on the road. etc.

Bila dalam sebuah kalimat terdapat beberapa keterangan yang sejenis, maka kata keterangan tersebut disusun mulai dari urutan yang terkecil. Namun pola-pola tersebut di atas tetap dipakai. (nomor 1-4).
He visited the hospital, in J1. Jend. Sudirman, on foot, reluctantly, at 9 o'clock, last Sunday.

Beberapa jenis adverbs tertentu dapat menempati (diletakkan pada) tiga posisi dalam suatu kalimat, di awal, di tengah, atau di akhir kalimat, namun ada pula beberapa adverb yang hanya dapat menempati pads satu atau dua posisi tertentu dalam suatu kalimat.

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